I N N O V AT I O N S • V O L . V I I I , N O. 1 • 2 0 1 6
TDW experts deliver —
providing technical presentations
and hands-on demonstrations throughout the world.
To learn more:
tdwontour@tdwilliamson.com .A PR I L 2 0 1 6
Pipeline Operations & Management
Middle East
Manama, Bahrain
SPE Petroleum Economics Workshop
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
AGA 2016 Operations Conference
Phoenix, AZ, USA
SPE Petroleum Economics Workshop
13-14 APRIL | Dubai | United Arab Emirates
Pipeline Operations &
Management Middle East
11-14 APRIL | Manama | Bahrain
Offshore Technology
Conference Asia
22-25 MARCH | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia
FFU Seminar
28 JANUARY | Stavanger | Norway
Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition, 2015